Dear Global Company of Intercessor,
Thank you for your prayers as we follow God’s plan for the mobilization of 100,000 intercessors. Your prayers and financial gifts are preparing the way for the end-time gathering of souls. You are planting in good ground and will reap manifold rewards.
Hopefully you have visited our new website, and seen our call to prayer. God has instructed me to mobilize 100,000 intercessors who will pray for the rescue of our children and youth. The world is seeking to pull them away from God, but our prayers of intercession will prepare the way for these young people to fulfill their destinies. In the name of Jesus we must bind their feet to paths of righteousness, and build a shield of protection in the spirit for their future and the future of the church.
I encourage you to focus on praying for the children of the countries we are targeting this month. Also, pray that the Father will move on the hearts of grandparents, parents, extended family members and friends to pray with us that the will of God might be done in earth as it is in heaven. Our assignment is to take dominion, withstand the enemy’s onslaughts standing firm in the faith.
The following prayer assignments are from the book, Operation World 21st Century Edition by Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk. The countries we are praying for this month are in crisis. Go to and click on Pray Today for more information. As a daily reminder you can make “Pray Today” your home page.
Prayer Assignments for June 1-30, 2005
1-16: India (Asia) has more (and larger) people groups with no Christians, churches or workers than any other part of the world. Pray that the Church world-wide might rise to complete this task.
17-26: Indonesia (Asia) — pray for the 65+ million nominal and syncretistic Muslins, that their eyes may be opened to the truth in Jesus, and come to Him. Pray that the people will call upon the name of the Lord and be saved during this time of upheaval and displacement. So many had died in the recent earthquakes; pray that the children who have lost parents will not be exploited, but protected.
27-29: Iran (Asia) — Iranians battle daily to survive in economic recession, political tyranny and, above all, the demonic system underlying it all. Pray that these shackles may be shattered and many Iranians find true liberty in believing in the Risen Lord Jesus. Pray that this land may open up again for the proclamation of the gospel. Pray that those in leadership who oppose righteousness will be removed, and God-fearing leaders will be in positions of leadership.
30-July 10 Iraq (Asia) — pray for the protection of the Iraqi leaders who support democracy and the military troops who are stationed here to help promote democracy. Pray that those who oppose the will of God will be removed from positions of power, and those who are God-fearing will hold these positions. Pray that the plots of the enemies of democracy will be exposed.
It is my prayer that the God of peace Himself will sanctify you through and through [separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God]; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved sound and complete [and found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah). (1 Thessalonians 5:23 AMP)
Loving in Jesus’ Name,
Germaine Copeland
Your Prayer Partner