Germaine, Do so appreciate your website as I have used your
Prayers That Avail Much for over 30 years now. My sister Jacque Smith was
one of your intercessors working near Word Ministries in Roswell. What an
incredible and faithful Daddy we serve, My daughter, Terri Curry (40),
which now lives in Sugar Hill with my niece and husband, had called me on
Memorial Day morning to share with me the following: Firsst she had
recently been divorced and had moved to Chicago with a man that she thought
was the one, however, after the counsel from this bold warrior mother and
handmaiden of the Lord, she finally calls to say it was not what she should
have done. As much as I had wanted her to move here to Grand Ridge, FL near
me, as the Holy Spirit instructed me, she would be spiritually fed at The
Father”s House, Dawsonville, GA (Pastor Ricky Stepp). Erika, my niece
offered her to stay there for a season and employment, etc. so the decision
was made by Terri to do just that. She has continued to attend the above
church and the atmosphere had saturated her with His love. Terri has
continually called me for counsel….my counsel was to take anointing oil
and anoint herself with oil, cry out to God for His mercy and forgiveness,
so on that morning she did just that. After the oil, asking the Father to
forgive her, she broke off soul ties, then she said that a flood of love was
poured out on her such as she had never experienced before….she began to
quote and sing Psalm 40 and dance around the home, then she stated that the
Father had said, “Terri now I want you to forgive yourself” of which she
did….freedom and liberty flooded her soul as she sobbed tears of releas,
laying her head on the breast of the Lion of Judah. The first statement out
of her mouth when she called me was to thank me for standing with her,
always speaking the truth to her and loving her no matter what she had done.
For me, I could only cry and laugh as tears of joy overcame me. I have two
other children that I continue to believe that will do the same. He is our
Portion, our Strong Tower, The Wonderful Counselor, The Lion of Judah and He
has roared! He captures my heart with His song and in His Grace is where we