Dear Prayer Partner, E.M. Bounds said, “God shapes the world by prayer. The more praying there is in the world the better the world will be; the mightier the forces against evil. The prayers of God’s saints are the capital stock of heaven by which God carries on His great work upon earth. God conditions the very life and prosperity of His cause on prayer.”

We are God’s representatives on earth, and He chose to work on the earth through human beings, not independent of them. Mankind was forever to be God’s link to authority and activity on the earth. We must maintain harmony and let our voices be heard in the heavens.

Please continue to pray for the WMI prayer journey to Morocco later this year. Pray that we will have divine appointments and be a blessing to the Christian workers. Our journey will take us to an orphanage where we will meet with the workers to encourage them in their work.

For a list of prayer challenges for each nation visit http:/

1–Nigeria (Africa)–pray that Christian values and lifestyle may affect every area of national life and that Nigeria attain its potential as a light to the world for God.

2–The Southern Zones of Nigeria–pray for Christian values to prevail. The Central Zone of Nigeria–pray for revival and a vision for cross-cultural outreach. The Northern Zone–pray that Christians may win the right to testify about Christ.

3–Norway (Europe)–has a rich spiritual heritage. Pray for revival.

4–Oman (Asia)–pray for the Christians to live godly lives that clearly display Christ to their unbelieving neighbors, both expatriate and Omani.

5-8–Pakistan (Asia)–pray for revival, spiritual leadership in the churches, that Christians may have the courage to share their faith with non-Christians, for unity and a missionary vision.

9–Palestine (Asia)–pray that Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant Christians alike may stand for and witness to the Truth, and be protected amid rising levels of intimidation by their Muslim neighbors. Panama (Latin America)–a nation of great diversity and great potential. Pray that this unique nation may bless the world.

10-11–Papua New Guinea (Pacific)–in the name of Jesus pull down spiritual strongholds (tribal ties, ancient animosities) that are barriers to fellowship and the flow of spiritual blessings. Bougainville–pray that the people might experience recovery at every level – especially spiritually.

12–Paraguay (Latin America)–pray that godly men would emerge from this Christian nation to lead with wisdom and uprightness.

13-14 (Latin American)–pray that many will come to the light and liberty of the Gospel.

15-17 Philippines (Asia)–pray that spiritual unity will continue and be strengthened, and that it extends to mainline Protestant denominations.

16-17—Philippines (Asia)—Pray for the Fellowship of Christians in Government which exists to fight corruption and promote biblical standards.

18-19—Poland (Europe)—Pray for Polish Evangelicals to catch a vision for the salvation of their countrymen as well as their European neighbors.

20—Portugal (Europe)—Pray for a renewing work of the Holy Spirit in which many are opened to the illumination of the Scriptures, freed from traditionalism and introduced to a warm personal relationship with Jesus.

21—Puerto Rico (Latin America)—Bind Christians leaders to humility, repentance, spiritual unity and a burden for the lost. Qatar (Asia)—Pray that Christians may have opportunities to share with non-Christians of all peoples in the country.

23—Réunion (Africa)—Pray for the whole population to come to terms with the past – only really possible through faith in Christ and especially pray for the young people to know Christ.

24-25—Romania* (Europe)—Pray that young people may encounter in very real ways the love of Christ, that they might be integrated into the church and used mightily of God to reach their own generation.

26-30—Russia (Europe)—Pray that Christian values of loving, sacrificial service and moral integrity might dispel the corrosive impact and legacy of Communism on both society and the Christian church.

*Rufus and Dee Whynot of Yielded Vessels live in Romania where they have built the John Stuart Children’s Home and other dwellings for those in need. Their ministry outreach is changing the lives of many in this nation. We endorse this ministry and encourage you to visit them at or

Thank you for praying with us. Together we are changing this world. Praying that God will bless you abundantly and cause His face to shine upon you, loving you with the Love of our Lord, I appreciate you and pray that you will be strengthened in your innermost being by the Holy Spirit.

God loves you and so do I,
