God saw you when you were in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-16). He knew your mother and father and the circumstances of the home where you were to grow up. He knew the schools you would attend and the neighborhood in which you would live. In his mercy God gave you survival techniques and walked with you through good times and bad. Whatever your life may have been like up to this point, the peace of God can change the regrets and wounds of the past into forgiveness, thanksgiving and praise.
Pray with me:
Father, I come to You in the name of Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit, and by Your grace, I join with the heavenly host making a joyful noise to You, and serve You with gladness! I let go of the past and come into Your presence with singing! Amen and amen! (Giving Thanks to God, Volume 3, Prayers That Avail Much)
NOTE: Lift your voice in a song of praise wherever you may be – in your car, in the shower, in the kitchen – a song will lift heavy burdens and lift your spirits.
Psalm 100