Dear Intercessor,This is the month that the prayer team and I will be in Spain and Morocco to pray and encourage the church in this area; returning to America on November 13th. Please keep us in your prayers. Pray that we will find favor and good understanding with everyone we meet and that we will be strengthened with the divine energy of the Holy Spirit. We go in the wisdom and love of God that He may be glorified in all that we do or say.
PRAYER ASSIGNMENTS FOR NOVEMBER 1-30 The following prayer assignments are taken from Operation World 21st Century Edition by Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk. There is more information on each nation at – Timor Lorosae (Asia) Pray that there may be religious and spiritual freedom.
2 – Togo (Africa) Pray for God-fearing leaders who will respect the constitution and treat every section of society fairly.
3 – Tonga (Pacific) Pray for the lasting impact of the Jesus film, Christian TV station, and Christian literature. Trinidad & Tobago (Africa) Pray that the government may be impartial and fair to all ethnic groups.
4 – Tunisia (Africa) Pray that a living, growing Church might become a reality again in this land.
5-7 – Turkey (Asia) Pray that all attempts to restrict religious freedom may be frustrated, that ambiguities in the law may be clarified—it is the later that open the door for mistreatment of Christians.
8 – Turkmenistan (Asia) Pray for a government that respects constitutionally promised human rights and religious freedom. Turks & Caicos Islands (Latin America) Pray that believers will meet newcomers with Biblical love and share the Gospel. Tuvatu (Pacific) Pray that uncertainty of the future will bring spiritual awareness – that the people will call upon the name of the Lord.
9-10 – Uganda (Africa) Pray for the street children and those who are abducted; more than 10,00 children have been abducted as child-soldiers or sex-slaves.
11-12 – Ukraine (Europe)B Pray for strength and support for the missionaries who have given up comfort and lucrative jobs to live among a people who are crying out for help. Pray that amidst the darkness, many will hear Truth and seek the Light of the Gospel.
13 – United Arab Emirates (Asia) Pray for courage, wisdom and an atmosphere in which the gospel can be shared freely.
14-16 – United Kingdom (Europe) Pray for national repentance and restoration to the spiritual vigor that once made Britain’s Christians a blessing to the world; for a national awakening.
16 – Northern Ireland (Europe) Pray for the local Irish Republic, and British politicians who must work together in seeking a lasting solution. Scotland Pray for the Church of Scotland to return to its biblical roots and the faith of its early martyrs.
17-22 – United States of America (North America) Pray for President Bush, his leadership team, the Congress, Senate and legislation so that decisions may be wisely made and well balanced between often conflicting domestic and international requirements.
23 –Uruguay (Latin America) Pray for deceptions to be exposed…in the name of Jesus cast down cultural and religious strongholds that hinder the Gospel. Pray that all evangelical churches may find ways to take advantage of a new spiritual interest that is emerging.
24-25 – Uzbekistan (Asia) Pray for freedom for church construction and evangelistic outreach, the bridging of the cultural divide between Uzbeks, Russians and Koreans, the local Christian leaders.
26 – Vannatu (Pacific) This nation’s motto is “In God we stand.” Pray for spirit-filled leaders who will teach others true Scriptural application to everyday life.
27-28 – Venezuela (Latin America) Pray for the defeat of all attempts to prevent Amerindian people from having a chance to hear the gospel, for the opening up of the few remaining unevangelized tribes, and for the Bible translation work, which continues in 14 languages.
29-30 – Vietnam (Asia) Pray for the Christian who are imprisoned for their faith, and that registered churches may withstand unrelenting government pressures to compromise and conform to strict regulations.
May God richly bless you as you pray.
Many blessings!
Your Prayer Partner