Dear Global Intercessor, Thank you for a great year. The prayer team and I appreciate your prayers for the trip to Spain and Morocco. I am writing about our experience and the goodness of God. Look for this report which will be ready soon.

Next year our prayer assignments will come in a different format, and we will focus primarily on 3 or 4 countries. More about this change later.

The remainder of this month we will pray for the special ministries listed below. Rather than try to discuss each one and make specific prayer assignments I encourage you to the Operation World website for details.

December 15-31

15 Bible Societies and Translation
16 Christian Literature
17 Theological Education & Theological Education Extension
18 Bible Correspondence Courses
19 Relief & Development
20 Medical Mission Word Ministries
21 Missionary Aviation
22 Maritime Ministry
23 Christian Tentmakers
24 Short-term Workers
25 Student Ministries
26 Ministry to Children
27 Outreach to Sects/Cults
28 Urban Evangelization
29 Intl Coop for World Evangelization
30 Operation World
31 The Lord’s Return

Pray with me a prayer, Divine Intervention: Thy Kingdom Come which is included in Prayers That Avail Much. I wrote this in anticipation of the Lord’s Return. The last paragraph offers praise: Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and power and the glory and the victory and the majesty; for all that is in the heavens and earth is Yours; Yours is the Kingdom, O Lord; and Yours it is to be exalted as Head over all. Thy Kingdom come!. Hallelujah. Amen.

Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Loving in Jesus’ Name,
Your Prayer Partner