Are you abiding (resting) in God’s Word–holding fast to His teachings and living in accordance with them? The Christian believer is a branch grafted into the True Vine, Jesus Christ. The life of God flows into your innermost being, and through your faith Christ actually abides in your heart to give you the power of understanding. God’s nature will remain permanently within you. Hide His Word in your heart, keep yourself in the love of God building yourself up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit. You are a living witness that God is good and merciful to all who call upon His name.
Father, I thank you for the fragrance of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, which flows through me to others. I abide in Jesus, He abides in me and through the power of the Holy Spirit, I am salt and light in the earth – a witness to him everywhere I go – in my home, the workplace, and to the end of the earth. I purpose to practice the presence of Jesus, and make choices that will honor you, Father. Thank you for leading me in triumph in every situation I face today in Jesus’ name.
2 Corinthians 2:14; Matthew 5:13-16; Acts 1:8