Dear Global Intercessory Prayer Partner,
You are a blessing to me, and I thank you for uniting in prayer with us here at Word Ministries. It is amazing to me that God chose to include us in His plans for mankind.
The Life Application Bible Notes gives us insight on First Timothy 2:1-4:
- Although God is all-powerful and all-knowing, he has chosen to let us help him change the world through our prayers. How this works is a mystery to us because of our limited understanding, but it is a reality. Paul urges us to pray for each other and for our leaders in government. Our earnest prayers will have powerful results (James 5:16).
For more information on the following continents, nations and tribes go to The following is from Operation World 21st Century Edition by Patrick Johnstone and Jason Mandryk.
Prayer Assignments for March 1-15 2007
1 Belgium (Europe) spiritually, this is one of the neediest countries in Europe. Pray for a spiritual awakening.2 Belize (Latin America) pray for the less-reached people groups are the Mayan, Garifuna, Chinese, and East Indians to be saved.3 Benin (Africa) pray for the less-reached people groups are the Fon, Ghe, Nagot, Idacca, Ife, Muslim, one million urbanites of the 2 capitals to be saved. Bermuda (North America) spiritually improvised. Pray for a spiritual awakening.
4 Bhutan (Asia) one of the world’s least evangelized nations. Pray for God to raise up intercessors who will pray for this nation, and for the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers to the people.
5-6 Bolivia (Latin America) pray that the people will hear truth that will set them free, and with mighty weapons that God provides tear down strongholds of idolatry and pagan superstitions of society, injustice, and corruption. (We pray for the Bakers who are missionaries to this nation while they are on medical furlough here in the USA. God’s healing power is at work restoring their 9-month-old son to physical wholeness.)
7 Bosnia (Europe) pray that the message of the Gospel will come to the unreached: Bosniak Muslims, Serbs, and largely Muslim gypsy.
8 Botswana (Africa) pray that the message of the Gospel will come to less-reached people groups: Bakgalagadi, Kalanga, Yeyi, Mbukushu, Subia, Herero, and San.
9-11 Brazil (Latin America) pray for salvation and deliverance of the nearly 20 million poverty-stricken and needy people who live in the squalid slums that are a highly visible blight in every major city.
12 British Virgin Islands (Latin America) pray for local Christians to get rid of everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life and put on the new man created in Christ Jesus. Brunei (Asia) pray for the unreached: the Malay (majority is Muslim), Chinese, the Tribal peoples
13 Bulgaria (Europe) pray for a significant breakthrough for the Millet, Roma (gypsies), Pomaks and the Jews. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers to these who have suffered severe prejudice and discrimination.
14 Burkina Faso (Africa) pray for the unreached to hear the Gospel
15 Burundi (Africa) pray for the displaced refugees, and the churches that minister to them.
As more Christian believers unite with us, our symphony of prayer is becoming stronger. Together we are filling the heavens by praying prayers that avail much; building a powerful fortress that is holding back the enemy. We are the enforcers of the triumphant victory of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Loving in Jesus’ Name,
Your Prayer Partner