I was touring a Muslim city in North Africa when the Spirit of God opened my eyes to the masses of people going in every direction. Motorcyles, cars, bicycles, old men and women, young men and women were swarming around me. Suddenly, there was an open heaven over where my friends and I were standing, and I heard John 3:16, which began to resonante in my ears. God loves all people just as the song tells us: red and yellow, black and white; they are precious in His sight. God is love, and everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.

Father, how much you have loved us! Thank you for loving the world so much that you gave your only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. You sent Jesus to save us, and we pray for those who are unsaved believing that when they hear Truth, they will gladly come to the Light, call upon the Name of the Lord, and be saved. In the name of Jesus, we thank you forthe salvation of our families and friends. Nations shall fall down and worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Amen.

Scripture Reading
John 3:16; Romans 10:13