We continue to pray this month for the nations of the earth. We pray that as individuals look at God’s creation they have a desire to seek the giver of life.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard..” Psalm 19:1-3

16 Armenia: There have been Christians in Armenia for 1700 years! More and more Christians are going out from Armenia to serve God in Russia and Muslim countries.
Pray that this missionary movement would grow and impact loads of people.17 Aruba: The church is growing, particularly among the immigrant communities from Latin America, Asia and the Caribbean.
Pray that churches would also impact the lives of the Papiamento-speaking people from Aruba.

18-19 Australia The Australian Aborigines have been oppressed by Western culture for over 200 years. Some are Christians but there is still a need for reconciliation between black and white Australians.
Pray for organizations reaching out to these people and that they can express their Christian faith without losing their cultural identity.
Pray for those in Australia who have had less opportunity to hear about God: the Muslim communities, those in isolated rural areas and immigrants.
Pray for effective communication, especially where many do not speak English as a first language.

20-21 Austria: Austria has some of the highest suicide, abortion and alcoholism rates in Europe.
Pray that people will turn to Jesus to meet their deepest needs. Pray that the church can reach out to Austria’s immigrant population and refugees.

22 Azerbaijan: In 1990 there were only a few Azeri Christians in the whole world – now there are Azeri churches for the first time ever, with around 2,000 believers!
Most Christians in Azerbaijan are Russian speaking.
Pray that they would have real sensitivity and wisdom in evangelizing to the majority Muslim population.
Most towns and villages have never heard about Jesus and foreign missionaries aren’t allowed to evangelize.
Pray that Christians in Azerbaijan would be able to reach people who don’t know God.
Unfortunately most people think of Christianity as the religion of the Russians or Armenians who have invaded Azerbaijan in its past.
Pray that God will break down these barriers and prejudice so people can open their hearts and minds to Jesus.

23 Bahamas: Nearly a third of the population are bible-believing Christians, but most are not really committed to church.
Pray these communities would grow in their love for each other and the lost.
Bahrain: Islam is the official religion and the main division is between the Sunni Muslims, who are the ruling minority and the majority of the population, who are much poorer Shi’a Muslims.
Bahrain has more social freedom in Bahrain than in other Arab states; alcohol is freely available and women don’t have to wear the veil.
Pray that there would be even more political and religious freedom in Bahrain.
Bahrain has the largest Arab Christian community in the Gulf States – most of whom are from other countries. No evangelism to Muslims is allowed.
Pray that Christians would be able to have the courage to sensitively share their faith with others.

24-26 Bangladesh: Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest nations. Over half the population lives below the poverty line. It is massively over-populated and suffers from natural disasters like flood and cyclones which kill thousands of people. Although people are officially free to follow whatever religion they choose, there is increasing Islamist pressure to restrict this freedom. Over half the population is under 16 and most live in great poverty.
Pray that the church growth will continue and that the Holy Spirit would move deeper in peoples lives.
Over 230 million Bengali people live around the world. They are by far the largest unreached people group in the world and most live in Bangladesh and India. Pray that many more Bengali would have an opportunity to hear about the gospel
Over half of the population cannot read.
Pray that these people will be able to hear the gospel through radio, the JESUS film and other media.

27 Barbados: Barbados is the Little England of the Caribbean. It is one of the richest and most successful of any of the Caribbean islands. Since it was settled nearly 400 years ago, people have been able to worship freely. Nearly everyone on the island would call themselves Christians, but less and less people are actually going to church and the country is gripped by materialism.
Pray that the people in Barbados would turn back to a closer relationship with Jesus.
Pray for the young people in Barbados who need spiritual direction.
Pray that the Church would be able to reach into a generation that is lost and disciple young Christians to live a lifestyle that reflects Jesus.

28-29 Belarus: In 1986 the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in Ukraine devastated much of Belarus; radiation affects 70% of the country. The cleanup operation will take decades and continue to put a huge strain on the country’s finances. The government spends a quarter of all its money on repairing the environment and treating people who have suffered long-term health problems.
Belarus has received far less attention from Christian missions than its neighbors. Pray that more people would be called to serve the people of Belarus and have wisdom in how not to draw negative attention from the authorities.
Protestant and evangelical Christians face some persecution and hassles from the authorities.
Pray that churches would still grow despite all the problems they face.

Thank you for your continued commitment to join us each month as we cover the globe with our prayers. May you see God move for you in your personal petitions in a profound way this year.

Blessings,Lane M. Holland, M.Div.
Prayer Coordinator
Word Ministries

© Operation World 2001
With thanks to Dawn Ministries and Operation World
Hosted by 24-7Prayer.com, Edited by Eloise Armstrong
This information is only about 20% of what is available in the ‘Operation World’ book and CD-ROM.
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