August 8-15 Prayer Agenda

In the closing days of summer and vacations we here at Word Ministries take time to say thank you for being willing to spend a few moments each day alone or with your prayer group covering the nations in prayer. We believe part of our mission and vision is to see the whole earth filled with the Glory of the Lord. We pray that the Lord of the Harvest will continue to send forth laborers into the darkest parts of our world and that the light of Jesus Christ will penetrate the hearts of men, women and children.

8. Malta: Malta was the first nation in Europe to embrace Christianity – after the Apostle Paul’s shipwreck on the island. It has been staunchly Catholic for many centuries with high church attendance. Despite continuing devotion to religion, few Maltese have been confronted with the need for a personal faith in the living Lord Jesus.

Pray for a removal of the barriers of spiritual blindness and fear that hold many from commitment to Him.

9. Martinique:There are 300,000 Guadeloupans and Martiniquans living in France, where they are known as Antilleans. They comprise a large minority in many Parisian evangelical churches.

Pray for the witness of these believers. WT has established three churches amongst Antilleans in the Paris area.

Mauritania: There are some expatriate Christians in Mauritania. Mainly Westerners and Koreans, they are involved in technical or professional work linked to NGOs or the fishing industry as well as a transient population of black Africans from other lands. Discouragement is easy because of the harsh climate (with sandstorms 200 days a year), the heat, and hostility to anything Christian. Expatriates suspected of trying to proselytize Mauritanians are subject to harassment, interrogation, brief imprisonment and even expulsion. Fellowship opportunities are limited.

Pray that their lives might demonstrate clearly the love of Christ.

Pray also that the Lord might grant them wisdom, protection, and empowering.

10. Mauritius: Among Evangelicals, growth has been most rapid within the Pentecostal and charismatic groups. Other evangelicals and independent house groups are also experiencing more modest growth, but not without opposition. Subtle discrimination when applying for official permits, as well as more open hostility towards those who share the gospel is common. In this hyper-ecumenical atmosphere, proselytizers are painted as imperialistic and intolerant. The Church has often suffered from internal division, but the formation in 1995 of the Fellowship of Christian Churches in Mauritius was a major step forward in promoting Christian unity.

Pray that Evangelicals might be united in their presentation of the gospel to non-Christians.

11-12 Mexico: The specific challenges for Evangelicals that need prayer are:a) Unity. The Evangelical Fraternity of Mexico (CONEMEX) is working to strengthen unity, deal with the government and sponsor important events. A Pentecostal fellowship has been formed to bring together millions of Pentecostal Christians. There needs to be a more effective strategic partnership among mission agencies.

b) Discipleship and biblical commitment which impacts family life is a great need. The Mexican parallel of Promise Keepers has had considerable impact on the commitment of men folk. Commitment needs to extend to giving – few pastors or missionaries are adequately supported.

c) Leadership training is the key to the future health of the Church. There are well over 100 Bible schools and seminaries training thousands of future leaders at all levels; from indigenous primary-level language to degree-awarding schools, as well as numerous TEE programmes. Pray that spiritual depth and evangelistic vision, as well as sound teaching, may be imparted to the students. Doctrinal shallowness, error and also moral and personal relationship breakdowns have impaired the growth of the Church.
Pray also for the provision of godly pastors for poor rural and urban slum congregations.

d) Develop mission’s vision. Sending of missionaries by the Mexican Church has developed rapidly. An increasing number of congregations are sending and supporting missionaries. COMIMEX has provided a nation-wide umbrella with which most national agencies are linked. COMIMEX operates through nine departments – Adopt-A-People, Barnabas (cross-cultural preparation), mission’s education, research, publicity, music, prayer, missiology and church missions committees. Significant international agencies have been birthed in Mexico – such as PMI, with its involvement in the Muslim world. There are now over 500 Mexican evangelical missionaries in 70 agencies, 250 of which are serving abroad in 50 other lands.

13. Micronesia: The great majority of Marshallese are Protestant and nearly one third Evangelical. The churches have a big involvement at every level in society, but without adequately impacting the life, world-view and spirituality of the people. The United Church of Christ has become the de facto State Church and is losing out in numbers and spirituality. The Assemblies of God have had a big influence winning many to Christ in earlier decades.

Pray for a life- and culture-changing revival.

14. Moldova: The less reached people groups that need prayer:

a) 1,000 or more villages have no evangelical witness. Many in villages are deeply involved in the occult.

b) The Gypsy population is large and virtually unreached.

c) The Muslim minorities. Gagauz believers have a vision to reach Muslims both in Moldova and in Eurasia. Pray for them as they mobilize for missions.
d) The youth of Moldova are victims the Soviet infrastructure’s collapse and the freedoms and bondages that followed. Committed ministry to young people is needed – pray for more workers. There is some work already among university students and SGA helps run youth camps. IFES has had a team in Moldova since 1986.

14. Monaco: Christian radio. Trans World Radio’s ministry from Monaco is widely respected. Powerful medium- and short-wave transmitters broadcast in 17 European and 3 North African languages.
Pray for the following areas for the impact of the Holy Spirit:

a) Spiritual impact on the materialistic and indifferent cultures of Europe and the resistant and polarized Islamic North Africa.

b) Effective use of modern technology – satellite broadcasting, more powerful transmitters, and the means of funding. TWR broadcasts 3 hours weekly in French by Astral Satellite to Monaco itself.

c) The network of studios producing programs for transmission from Monaco to the Muslim world (e.g. GMU and AWM for North Africa) and Europe (German TWR, etc.). The staff needs prayer, as do the listeners.

d) The difficult but key follow-up ministries, which are often the only follow-up links that new believers can enjoy.

15. Mongolia: The daunting economic situation is a major challenge for the government and deeply affects every aspect of life – much unemployment, poverty, 200,000 malnourished children, etc. Corruption with great wealth for some and failure to develop the economy to benefit all led to the rejection of the previous government.

Pray that the leaders of Mongolia might rule with fairness and wisdom.

The multiplication of other religions and sects is a concern. Groups such as the Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Baha’i are very active and are forming groups in the capital and in other parts of the country.

Pray that evangelical groups may do more strategic networking in order to reach the whole country more effectively.

15. Montserrat: The massive devastation of the volcanic eruption to the island, its economy and social life has deeply affected the people. Many are nominal Christians.
Pray for the shock of these events to cause many to find a living faith in Christ.

Church life was seriously disrupted.
Pray for the long task of rebuilding congregations, community life, property and outreach.

May you know the joy of seeing the Lord answer your personal prayers as you sacrificially spend time in prayer for the nations of the earth. May your life be blessed this month!


Lane M. Holland, M.Div.

Prayer Coordinator

Word Ministries


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With thanks to Dawn Ministries and Operation World

Hosted by, Edited by Eloise Armstrong

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