PRAYER ASSIGNMENTS for July 19-31, 2011

The Word of God is true and we pray based on its promise that:

“…If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land…” II Chron. 7:14 (Amp.)

5-13 Indonesia:

Indonesia’s vast diversity is both its strength and its peril. With 17,500 islands strewn across nearly 10 million sq km of ocean, 33 provinces, 722 languages, even more ethnic groups, myriad religious expressions and deeply divided political agendas, holding this nation together is a monumental task.

Pray for political strength for the maturing democracy to stay balanced between national unity and regional identity.

Pray also for the government to act with righteousness in honoring all peoples and communities; Indonesia’s history, especially recently, is characterized by discrimination, exploitation and favoritism.

The fledgling democratic government faces a daunting task. Its first years were
marked by powerlessness in the face of extremist demands from strident Islamists and
manipulation by the powerful former regime and military. Positive signs see moderation and democracy taking root and displacing the old culture of extremism, corruption, cronyism and nepotism. There is a long way to go, however, to see political, economic and social renewal.

Pray that the president, vice-president and the People’s Consultative Assembly may be courageous, decisive and fair in bringing betterment to the whole nation.

A spiritual conflict rages for Indonesia. Ancient and strong occult powers seek to
oppose the influence of the gospel, while modern Muslim stratagems seek to eliminate
Christianity and remove the presence of the good news.

Pray specifically for the binding of these powers and for continued growth of the Church in the midst of intense opposition and growing persecution.

The creeping Islamization of Indonesia is eroding religious freedom and the long prevailing communal tolerance. Islam itself is remarkably varied – the santri puritanical
Islam; the abangan, a more Sufist interpretation heavily influenced by pre-Islamic Javanese mysticism; the Islam of modern secular-moderate Muslims. However, it is generally the more conservative, aggressive, fundamentalist groups that continue to grow in power, partly by intimidating other Muslims into acquiescence.

There are many reasons to pray:

a) The Islamist vision of an Indonesia without Christians generates pressure and persecution, often yielding violence, destruction and atrocities. This is manifest through:

i. Domination by presence. Massive mosque-building programmes – paid for through
petrodollars – introduce a Muslim presence on every corner of the nation and are usually
associated with the more radical, aggressive splinters of Islamic practice. Transmigration
programmes deliberately relocate Muslims into traditionally non-Muslim areas. This is
ostensibly due to overpopulation, but demonstrably includes religious colonization.

ii Domination by eradication. The aim is the complete elimination of Christianity in the
country. An orchestrated Islamic jihad against Christians destroyed thousands of churches in the last decade, and some areas with large Christian populations (such as parts of Maluku) are subject to attacks. A Christian presence has been eradicated from whole towns and regions, with great loss of life and property.

Pray that these plans might be frustrated and come to ruin, that what some intend for evil
God may turn out for good.

Pray for their own religious hatred and violence to discredit Muslim extremism and cause many persecutors to become believers.

b) The more than 45 million abangan Muslims and even greater numbers of moderate and nominal Muslims are often victims of extremist intimidation. Tens of thousands of abangan (still influenced by pre-Islamic animism and Hinduism) have been killed over the years by Malay- and Arab-influenced santri.

Pray for many Muslims to grow disillusioned with the violence and oppression – so that they may seek a true relationship with God through Christ.

c) The secular government and national leaders require great courage to actually oppose the excesses of the Islamist agenda.

Pray that they would intervene to stop religious violence when it occurs; pray that they would be strong enough to withstand and even to limit the influence extremists exert over the country.

d) The courts, legal systems and constitution still guarantee religious freedom and offer the foundation for a stable, diverse society. Shari’a-inspired laws are being passed in more and more communities and even in entire provinces. This imposition of such religious apartheid spells disaster for non-Muslims.

e) The Christian response to Islamic aggression is as crucial as the aggression itself.
Pray for Christians to respond with tact and love, but also firmness, and in all ways to commend the gospel.

Pray that fear of witnessing might be replaced by courage to share about Jesus.
Pray also for heartfelt repentance among all Christians for the ways they have damaged their witness by attitudes and actions of enmity and reprisals toward Muslims.

14-16 Iran:

The many promises of the Islamic Revolution
, made over 30 years ago, have yet to
materialize. The peace and prosperity that strict adherence to Islam was supposed to
deliver have never materialized. Instead, a legacy of bloodshed, cruelty, injustice, extremism and economic deprivation discredits the conservative religious leaders and the narrow brand of Islam they promote. Repression, corruption, injustice and human rights abuses are frequent; religious leadership controls the police, army and judicial system. Strong allegations of fraud in the 2009 elections sparked widespread and continued protests, an indication of the frustration felt by millions.

Pray that corruption and repression might end and a government that provides
true justice and safety for all be established.

Evangelical churches before the revolution were generally small and struggling, and they contained very few Muslim-background believers. The traumatic changes and suffering that followed the revolution gave churches a brief period of renewal, outreach, literature distribution and many conversions. Barriers among denominations broke down. The hostility of the regime toward evangelicals caused much greater interest in Christianity among Persians – Presbyterians and Assemblies of God, especially, grew as a result. Intimidation, infiltration and martyrdom of several church leaders, and pressure from the government to not welcome Muslims into services, have caused many churches to adopt house church models. Most churches that meet publicly now tow the government line and do not overtly evangelize Muslims.

Pray for:

a) Adequate income for Christians who face poverty both from general economic decline and from religious discrimination in the workplace. Emigration is a solution for pressured Christians, but their vital witness in needy Iran is then lost. Pray that believers may break through this economic pressure and resist the temptation to leave.

b) Courage and fortitude such that their persecutors are won for Christ. While Armenians and Assyrians are discriminated against, Muslim-background believers are actively persecuted.

Pray also for greater freedom for churches to minister, as they long to do.

c) Protection and deliverance for all MBBs. The large majority meet secretly in small house groups. There is always a danger that such meetings could be discovered and those involved punished, especially the leaders. A decentralized cell structure and the use of techniques honed by the underground party-circuit help house groups avoid detection and arrest.

d) Churches outside of Tehran often face more intimidation as fundamentalist forces exercise more control in less-urban areas. Many towns and villages lack any churches at all. However, this is changing due to the increasing influence of the Internet and satellite TV as well as the enthusiasm of young Iranian Christians to evangelize their countrymen. House church movements are spreading throughout the country.

Young people are particularly responsive to the gospel. With nearly two-thirds of
the population under age 30, with disillusionment at an all-time high and with frustrated
desires for freedom, there is a unique window of opportunity to impact this generation with the liberating good news about Jesus. Political, economic and social frustrations are often expressed in resentment against the regime and in increasing hedonism and materialism.

Pray that the unmet longings of their hearts might be fulfilled as they meet Christ. Already, much of the underground church is made up of this younger generation.

17-18 Iraq:

Iraq’s future remains uncertain. Saddam Hussein’s dictatorship was removed, but a
host of problems still plagues the country.

Pray for:

a) The establishment of a national government that fairly balances the conflicting expectations of the various religious and ethnic communities, and provides an environment that promotes accountability to the people, economic growth and religious freedom. Without these, the future is bleak. Anarchy, civil war, fragmentation of the country and further suffering for the people – especially Christians – could follow.

Pray therefore for anointed national leaders who can act with wisdom, courage and integrity.

b) Healing after decades of suffering. Nearly every person bears some scars of traumatic
experiences – from Hussein’s cruelty, from the US-led invasions or from the sectarian
violence that has followed. Only the gospel can provide a full solution;

Pray that this maybe freely proclaimed.

c) The elimination of corruption. Iraq is ranked as one of the world’s most corrupt nations. This has significantly held back the nation from repairing damage and achieving development.

d) The suffering the Iraqi people have endured. The number of lives lost as a result of
invasions, insurgencies and deprivation may be as high as 600,000, with nearly two million people displaced. More than half of the population lives in poverty.

i. Women suffer forced marriage, abduction, honor killing, violence and rape, used as a
threat and weapon against them. They have almost no recourse to legal protection, and the religious establishment does little or nothing to protect them.

ii. Children live in a context of instability and uncertainty. Many do not attend school, less than half have access to safe drinking water and some even face malnourishment. Hundreds of thousands face life as refugees in neighboring, and often unwelcoming, countries.

19 Ireland:

Transformation has rapidly overtaken Ireland, led by the economic boost of EU
membership, heavy foreign investment in a well-educated, English-speaking workforce,
and increased contact with Europe and the world. But this new affluence has benefitted only some, and many were left downcast from the effects of the recession. This shift has also radically affected immigration/demographics, spirituality and culture.

Pray that amid the change, the nation’s leadership might also focus on protecting the vulnerable, providing for the needy and building a lasting infrastructure and legacy that will be a blessing to all.

Ireland’s ancient Celtic Church strongly shaped society 1,500 years ago through its
dynamic and holistic spirituality. Then followed centuries of suffering, oppression, violence and bloodshed at the hands of the Vikings and the British. Sadly, the long conflict has, in the eyes of the world, been portrayed as religious in origin.

Pray that:

a) Irish society might be made whole. Progress is made on this front with violence reduced and formerly opposing parties now cooperating on certain issues. The political future of Northern Ireland remains a sensitive issue, but healing, reconciliation and forgiveness can occur nevertheless.

b) All Christians might work toward shared Kingdom-goals. Encouraging signs are apparent; the bipolar nature of Irish Christianity (Catholic versus Protestant) is an increasingly outdated understanding of Irish spirituality, as outside groups arrive and post-denominational churches arise.

20-21 Israel:

The return of Jews to Israel was a watershed period in Jewish history; it is finally likely
that Israel is the nation with the world’s largest population of Jews. Many see this as a
fulfilment of prophecy (Ezekiel 20:32-34, 36:16-24). The majority returned to their ancient land in unbelief, but a movement to Messiah Jesus is occurring mostly among returnees from Eastern Europe, Russia and Ethiopia.

Pray for the nation’s spiritual restoration (Romans 11:25-31). There is currently an increased intensity in Israel’s spiritual life. Many thousands of Jews are turning to God, fervently praying and turning to Scripture.

Israeli-Arab conflict in the Holy Land moved to a new level over a century ago,
intensifying since 1948. Resolution is elusive due to competing claims and agendas. Both
sides lay claim to the land, and all human efforts to resolve this conflict have failed. Pray that both sides will find true reconciliation and genuine Shalom through Jesus the Messiah.

a) The threat of violence and war from outside persists. Between the 2005 withdrawal of settlers and soldiers from Gaza and the controversial 2009 invasion, over 3,500 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza. Hezbollah’s growing strength, Al Qaeda’s threats and Iran’s increasingly strident rhetoric all point to potential trouble on the horizon.

b) The as-yet-unfinished security barrier is planned to effectively separate Palestinian and Jewish areas, making movement and access very difficult and exacerbating tensions.
Pray that it would not unduly restrict free movement of Palestinian citizens of Israel. Pray that Jesus, who destroyed the wall of separation of hostility between God and man, might also bring reconciliation between Israeli Jew and Palestinian Arab.

Followers of Jesus in Israel are likewise a mix of Messianic Jews, foreign believers and
Arab-Israeli Christians. All three groups have grown recently – especially Messianic and
expatriate believers – the result of both immigration and conversion. There are over 120 Hebrewspeaking gatherings. Russian-speaking congregations are the next-largest number (as many as 50), followed by eight Amharic-speaking (Ethiopian) congregations and a smattering of fellowships in various European languages. Israeli-born Messianic Jews are around 1,000.

Pray for:

a) Boldness in witness and perseverance of faith despite difficulties and opposition. The Haredi regard evangelicals as subversive and a threat to Judaism, and therefore malign and occasionally harass them. Tolerance of Christians and Messianic Jews is high, but proselytism is increasingly opposed, especially by the ultra-Orthodox.

b) Full legal rights of immigration and social acceptance in the face of national, social and family pressures. Israeli law states that national identity and religious identity of Jews are one; secular Jews can become citizens, but Christian Jews cannot.

c) Clarity of teaching and understanding about their Jewishness – there needs to be a cultural identity without compromising New Testament truth. There are now Bible training colleges in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa and Nazareth for the formation of capable leaders.

d) Arab evangelicals are more numerous in Protestant and Independent denominations – but total fewer than 4,000. Of these, only a few dozen are Muslim-background believers. Thenumber of those coming to faith is growing at an encouraging rate, but they emigrate to the West just as rapidly.

22-23 Italy:

This great and gifted nation has contributed much to the world – legal systems(Roman law), language (Latin), culture (Renaissance, art, music) and innovation (fashion,cars). Christianity flourished here, but soon became a formalized state religion. Italy was virtually untouched by the Protestant Reformation and has never seen widespread biblical revival. The majority of Italians remain culturally Catholic but increasingly cynical about the Church.

Pray for the removal of the multiple barriers that limit understanding of the gospel.
Protestantism has an 800-year history in Italy. The world’s oldest Protestant
denomination, the Waldensian Church, developed in northwest Italy, but for centuries was subjected to terrible persecution. Italian Catholic bishops officially apologized for this in 1997. The Waldensian Church – now part of a federation with, among others, Methodists and the mainline Baptist Union – is openly dominated by liberal theology. The broader Protestant witness is weak and divided, polarized and fragmented. Traditional Pentecostalism is strong, particularly in the south. The fast-growing and diverse charismatic churches are increasingly numerous, dynamic and holistic in their outreach. The relationship between Pentecostals/charismatic’s and conservatives, deeply opposed in the past, shows small and encouraging signs of progress. Strategic
church planting is rare; bitter splits are still more common. Many congregations are small, insular and resistant to change and to mission. Larger congregations at times battle with superficiality, the need for discipleship and the challenge of nominalism among second- and third-generation believers.
Pray for revival that breaks down barriers of individualism, mistrust and doctrinal
extremes, and leads to fellowship and cooperative outreach.

Signs of hope for the Church. Many challenges and difficulties remain, and progress
is invariably painfully slow.
Some encouraging glimmers of hope, however, need to be earnestly prayed for:
a) Cooperation among churches. Division and polarization have been the legacies of
Protestantism, but things are beginning to change. Several different church networks are
beginning to foster trust, respect and even collaboration across the denominational divide.
The Evangelical Alliance works to this end, as do various network initiatives.
b) Evangelism and outreach. Relational evangelism is an effective approach, as are the cell groups and house churches that often result. These and other new expressions of fellowship are increasingly popular. Also, groups such as Christ Is the Answer, Italy for Christ, the Brethren and some Pentecostals continue with larger-scale, event-based evangelism.
Christian TV has an impact, but largely by promoting prosperity teachings.
c) Missions vision is still in its infancy. The churches in Italy are supporting holistic projects (Compassion, AMEN, <iMissione Evangelica contro la Lebbra, Missione Possibile, to name a few) and developing short-term sending (OM, NTM, WEC, YWAM, GLO). Few Italians, however, are involved in long-term career missions whether in Italy or beyond. Italian Ministries is committed to facilitate a vision for mission and has also developed a mission agency option for interested Italians. Denominational initiatives continue. International mission groups (among these: OM, YWAM, NTM) operate in Italy and seek to facilitate Italians’ involvement in mission. Encouraging developments among youth bring hope for the future; “9.37” is one such group.
d) Immigration of believers into Italy – particularly from Eastern Europe and Africa but also from Latin America and Philippines – infuses new vitality and openness into the churches, and it opens Italians’ eyes to the needs on their doorstep and abroad. It is now conceivable that the majority of evangelicals in Italy are no longer ethnic Italians.
Pray that this new reality might spur indigenous churches to greater faith, cooperation and good works.

24 Jamaica:

The country finds itself in the midst of moral and social collapse. Powerful South
American drug cartels, using Jamaica as a transshipment point for cocaine destined for the USA, wield great influence. This fuels violence, putting Jamaica fourth globally for murders per capita. Rape and domestic abuse are widespread. As part of an anti-corruption drive, the government has invited greater participation from churches.

Pray that government and church leaders may reject compromise.

Pray for courage, moral integrity and determination to turn the country back to God. The National Leadership Prayer Breakfast brings church leaders together with leaders in politics, business and the security forces to address and pray for these issues.

The less evangelized who need prayer:

a) The very poor have little exposure to the gospel except by radio. There is a large underclass, including the pseudo-orphaned “barrel children”, among whom mostly Catholic and Anglican ministries work. These gospel-neglected people have little by way of moral foundations; pray for the whole gospel to touch their lives and communities.

b) The Rastafarians began as a protest movement that mixed Christian beliefs with Black consciousness ideas and deified the Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selasse I. They are well known for their reggae music and use of ganja (marijuana), as well as for their non-violent “peace and love” philosophy. They have considerable influence in Jamaica and have spread to Europe and North America. In recent years, a few prominent Rastafarians have professed Christ as Saviour and become active evangelicals.

25-27 Japan:

Japan is a nation facing many crises and is a culture with no apparent direction.

Accompanying this drifting is its lack of hope or confidence in the future.
Pray for the
following issues, all profoundly felt by Japanese society:

a) A lack of a moral centre. Japan’s own leaders called it “a superpower without a moral
compass”. This is most notable among young people, who struggle with particular challenges such as social phobia or social anxiety (Hikikomori), a suicide epidemic (over 30,000/year), bullying and teenage prostitution. High rates of suicide in other age groups and divorce also reflect this challenge.

b) Political leadership is characterized more by factional dynamics with self-seeking parties than by nation builders. The legacy of WWII hangs over and holds back the government in many ways. A recent, rapid succession of prime ministers has relatively paralyzed urgently
needed reforms to address economic and birth rate issues.

c) Major economic transitions. The world’s third-largest economy, rocked by recessions in recent years, stands at a crossroads. The job-for-life salarymen are becoming outdated, and the younger generation is uninterested in the type of lifelong commitment that forged Japan into an economic giant. Lack of natural resources, increasingly competitive high-tech markets and demographic changes make for an uncertain economic future. The inability (or unwillingness) of many of the younger generation, even well-educated ones, to get full-time career jobs is another recent phenomenon.

d) The percentage of the aged in Japan’s population is rapidly increasing (faster than any other nation), with one of the world’s lowest birth rates and highest life expectancies. By 2055, half of Japanese will be pensioners – an unprecedented demographic situation and a monumental economic challenge. Caring for the elderly already accounts for the majority of the health budget.

e) Crime rates have significantly increased in recent years. Japan used to be one of the world’s safest places, but the recent influx of foreign criminal elements, the influence of the yakuza mafia, the rapid growth of random, meaningless violent crime and the unpreparedness of the state and police to counter these changes combine to cause many Japanese to feel stressed and no longer safe.

28-29 Jordan:

King Abdullah’s rule began with promise and hope. But war in Iraq and the resulting
turmoil have placed great pressure on the nation. Over a million immigrants fleeing from
the two wars in Iraq have intensified Jordan’s economic and political stresses. Half of them still remain. The tourist industry is a bright spot, but Islamist suicide bombings in 2005 demonstrated Jordan’s fragility. Rising tensions between moderate and Islamist sentiments portend further difficulties.

Pray for the peace of this land and for the king and government.

Christians are a community under pressure. Since Jordan’s independence, lower
birth rates and high emigration rates have contributed to the Church’s numerical decline.
Additionally, a huge influx of Muslim refugees and the rise of politicized Islam place increasing pressure on Christians, especially evangelicals. From 1980-2010, Jordan’s Christian population dropped from 6.5% to 2.2% of the population. Yet, Christians are found in all walks of life, including in Parliament, and often in positions of influence. Christianity needs to be seen as an important component of Jordanian society and history.
Pray that Christians may be salt and light in Jordanian society and find ways to witness to nominal Christians as well as non-Christians.

The unreached comprise the vast majority of Jordan’s population. Upheaval in
Iraq and the lethal violence of Islamism open many hearts to examine Isa al-Masih. Pray
that every Jordanian may have opportunity to hear the gospel.

Pray especially for:

a) The Muslim majority.
Many have still not heard the clear gospel.

Pray for a sensitivewitness to Muslims. Several successful methods include literature, media ministry, friendship evangelism, development programmes, home meetings and camps.

Pray for the protection of converts amid persecution.

Pray also that the growing number of Muslim-background believers might have the legal right to convert from Islam.

b) The millions of Palestinians, who are a majority in Jordan. Many are the second or third generation after those removed from their traditional homeland. Some integrate into Jordanian life; others suffer from disillusionment, bitterness and frustration which only the Man of Calvary can heal.

c) Iraqi refugees. During and after the two Gulf Wars, around one million Iraqis fled to Jordan.Years later, nearly half of these are unable or unwilling to return home. Christian work among them (Jordan Evangelical Committee for Relief and Development, CMA, WVI, Tearfund) elicits a very good response. Equally, Jordanian churches have effective and widespread ministry to these people. Though the welcome that Jordan extended to these refugees is strained, Iraqi Christians nonetheless benefit from training and resources available to them in Jordan.

Pray that churches may be granted permission to provide education to refugees; this is a ministry on their hearts.

d) The 300,000 Bedouin. Many are still nomadic; others (fellahin) are settled and more easily reached. Believers are very few, but there is some ministry among them. Pray for more specific outreach to these, the “true” Arabs.

e) Dom Gypsies are a hidden, poor and marginalized people. Cousins of the European Romani Gypsies, the Dom Gypsies have a great need for holistic ministry and for Scripture (especially in audio format) in their language.

f) People of many nationalities present in Jordan. Saudi and Gulf Arabs visit for the summer. Many nationalities come to work. Adygei, Druze and Chechens form proud minorities.

Pray that they all may encounter the gospel while in Jordan.

30-31 Kazakhstan:

Economic boom times from the bounteous natural resources are starting to transform
Kazakhstan, as new buildings spring up and industries grow. While there are many public
works going on, a few privileged elite are becoming incredibly rich, while most are being
bypassed by this wealth, especially in rural areas. With new money comes increasing
corruption, materialism and a strong urban pull. Pray that Kazakhstan will have a government with the best interest of all its citizens in mind and that it will use the newfound wealth on works that benefit all. Pray that the failures of secular materialism might not be repeated in Kazakhstan as in the West.

The revival of Kazakh identity. The government’s deliberate policy on this issue sees
a notable increase in both the use of the Kazakh language and a renaissance of Kazakh
traditional culture. Despite having a very diverse population, social cohesion is quite good

Pray for continued stability.

Pray also that a healthy appreciation of cultural minorities might strengthen and not undermine the nation.

“To be a Kazakh is to be a Muslim” – but theirs is a folk Islam strongly influenced by
shamanistic practices. Other Muslim countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan) invest huge amounts of money to send Muslim missionaries – some are effective even in converting Russians to Islam. The number of registered mosques grew from 46 in 1989 to 1,282 in 2002(quite apart from many unregistered ones). Traditional Islam is on the rise, even trendy in some sectors, despite the government actively opposing radical Islam. Orthodox Christianity is perceived as the religion of Russians, and evangelicals are often regarded as dangerous sects.

Pray for this misconception to be broken; pray for freedom from historic spiritual bondages and prejudices.

The Christian population in Kazakhstan is slowly shifting from an ethnic European
majority toward an Asian one. Korean churches have grown, as have most charismatic,
Pentecostal and some Baptist groups among Central Asian ethnicities. The challenges are

a) Training is vital. There were a healthy number of Bible colleges and seminaries as well as discipleship schools; all have had to shut down due to changes in the law, and none have been allowed to re-register. TEE and distance learning have potential, if churches are willing to invest in the concept. Appropriate models of training that can be implemented on a wider level are essential as budding leaders need mentors and spiritual fathers.

Pray for programmes that develop informed, well-trained, godly leaders.

b) Culturally helpful forms of following Jesus communally. Spirit-led expressions of Kazakh, as well as multicultural, worship, prayer, discipleship and teaching are necessary for the Church to go to the next level. Only 26% of believers are men; clearly some cultural preconceptions need to be shifted.

c) Persecution is increasing. Harassment from authorities, from strident Muslims and from unbelieving family members makes life difficult, especially for converts outside the two main cities. Unconstitutional laws on registering churches are complicated by obstructionism for those who try to register and heavy fines for those who don’t.

d) The level of unity and partnership is encouraging. The Evangelical Alliance of Kazakhstan is at a growing stage but has great potential to draw the many groups together.

Pray that in the face of increasing opposition and growing theological diversity, believers may stay united.

Once again I want to thank you for joining us as we cover the earth with our prayers. May you know the peace and joy of the Lord as you continue to serve Him through your intercession.


Mission Info Bank. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2010 Global Mapping International. All Rights Reserved

Use and reproduction subject to User Agreement.

© Operation World 2001
With thanks to Dawn Ministries and Operation World
Hosted by, Edited by Eloise Armstrong
This information is only about 20% of what is available in the ‘Operation World’ book and CD-ROM.
To find out more click here, to buy the book click here.


Mission Info Bank. Used by permission.

Copyright © 2011 Global Mapping International. All Rights Reserved

Use and reproduction subject to User Agreement.

© Operation World 2001
With thanks to Dawn Ministries and Operation World
Hosted by, Edited by Eloise Armstrong
This information is only about 20% of what is available in the ‘Operation World’ book and CD-ROM.
To find out more click here, to buy the book click here.