Pray for our School Systems
Our children and grandchildren are growing up in a world of insecurity. Fear can be felt hovering in the atmosphere. Too often we are hearing about students killing students, young people committing suicide, and children of the Middle East groomed to be suicide bombers. It appears that gangs and drugs in the schools are becoming the norm. Our teachers and our children do not just hear about it on the news; most of them see and feel the effects of our country’s moral decline in their current school environment. Our school systems, children and teachers need our prayers.
Prayer – Our school system needs a spiritual revolution.
Are you praying for your children and grandchildren’s school systems; the school superintendents, administration, teachers and other personnel? Having talked with teachers, I realize how stressed and overloaded they can feel. The Bible gives us assurance that if we pray, our Father-God will move mightily. 2 Chronicles 7:14 AMP says, “If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.” Our school systems need healing.
Prayer isn’t the only thing we can do but it is the most important. As we pray, God will hear from heaven and bring transformation to our school systems. If we really believe in the power of prayer, then we need to find time to pray.
Prayer – Our teachers need our prayers.
Times are changing, and our school systems in America are changing. Teachers are under tremendous pressure from the administration to produce academic results.
When ungodly decisions rule a nation, the moral decline is on the march, especially in the lives of our children who are Satan’s primary target, BUT GOD! His power is released as we pray. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His heritage. (Psalm 33:12 AMP) We must be committed to praying for our teachers. In addition to prayer, we also need to provide the encouragement and cooperation that teachers need to educate our children.
Encouragement – Our teachers need encouragement.
Teachers need to be built up by our words and actions. Encouragement refreshes and lifts emotions. It energizes people to do their best. 1 Thessalonians 5:11a NIV says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up.”
I salute those qualified teachers who work countless hours. Their work isn’t finished when the bell rings at the close of the school day, in fact, their work is far from over. Our teachers need to know that we see all their efforts to bless our children. I send a big “THANK YOU” to all those who work diligently to give our children the best education possible.
I urge readers to reach out to teachers with a word of encouragement. Teachers need to know that they are appreciated. They become rejuvenated when they know that their hard work is noticed. In addition, the Bible instructs us to love one another and give precedence and show honor to one another. (Read Romans 12:10.) I honor our school teachers who are working diligently to teach our children.
Cooperation – Our teachers need cooperation.
Teachers cannot do the job alone. They need us to partner with them to educate our children. As grandparents and parents, we have a responsibility to train up these precious children (our future generation) in the reverence and admonition of God – to teach them the ways of God. At one time the school systems reinforced godly principles without fear of reprisal; parents and teachers worked together for the good of the child. Even though the public schools do not allow God to be directly referred to in the classroom, we can still cooperate with our teachers to enable our students to be more successful. We must not expect the schools to take all the responsibility for a child’s education. It grieves me when I hear parents blaming teachers for a child’s lack of motivation and misbehavior. Is it really the teacher’s fault when a child fails to apply himself/herself and puts forth no effort to get his/her school work done?
Let us assume our responsibility and involve ourselves in the education of our children. Parents, let your child’s teachers know that you will work with them to build the character of your child. Years ago when my children were in school, they knew that if they got in trouble at school, they would get in more trouble when they got home. We did not tolerate disrespect for authority figures, but held our children accountable for their own actions. (If we felt a teacher had been unfair, we discussed it with the teacher.) Parents, consider the wisdom of holding your children accountable to the authorities in their lives. As 1 Peter 5:5 NKJV explains: Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders.
Teach Wisdom at Home – dare to teach and train them in the ways of God
Your children need to be taught right from wrong so they won’t fall into the traps of the enemy. Make your homes a place where wisdom is taught. Talk with your children and grandchildren, and listen to them. Let them know there is a way that leads to life, joy and peace where they can receive the manifold blessings of God. He knew them before the foundation of the world, and He has chosen them for His very own, and He foreordained good things for their future. Include Jeremiah 29:11-12 AMP in your prayers for your children and grandchildren: “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you.”
Selfish Staff – hidden agendas
Most of our teachers are doing their best to promote a healthy learning environment. Nevertheless, there are self-centered people who hold jobs in our educational system that are not concerned with the proper development of our children. They are there to promote their own agendas or there simply to draw a paycheck. Sometimes a child is abused, even sexually molested. These so-called teachers cannot stay hidden, and the best way that I know to deal with this problem is to pray for our school systems and the men and women who are in positions of authority and stand up for righteousness. Come boldly before the throne of Grace and find mercy and grace to help in your time of need. Prayer will prepare you to speak out appropriately for the future good and welfare of the children. Let your voice be heard.
Father, we decree that there shall be a spiritual revolution in our school systems among the teachers and children. We will see them walking in the ways of piety and virtue, revering Your name, Father. These things we pray in the name of Jesus our Lord.
NOTE: I encourage you to pray the Scriptural written prayers from Prayers That Avail Much for Grandparents and Prayers That Avail Much Commemorative Edition. For additional information from Steve Shultz go to
Copyright © Germaine Copeland 2006