My heart sang, “America, America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.” Only a few short weeks earlier another song hounded me day and night! The words and melody would not stop! “If you can use anything Lord, you can use me…take my hands, Lord, and my feet…touch my heart, LORD…speak through me.” (The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir)
It all began a few days after November 6, 2012. Weary, after many nights of tossing and turning, I said, “Lord, if you are playing havoc with my sleep, I need to hear from you!” It was too early to be awake, but opening my eyes I was faced with dense, supernatural darkness. Fear was lurking, waiting for an opportunity to strike! On election night, 2012, America changed, and I was in mourning for our nation and the church!
A sense of discouragement overwhelmed me as I got out of bed and started down the hallway to my place of prayer. The sound in my head wouldn’t go away and I needed answers. “God, what do you want? Lord, you can use me…How do you want to touch my heart? What do you want me to speak? What do you want me to pray? How can I pray for our nation with confidence?”
-I (God) am at work in the man, Barack Obama (Phil 2:13)
-Now is the time to be “joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12, NIV).
-Continue in my Word and occupy until I come.
-Carry out to its completion the mandate I have given you.
Whether you are happy or disappointed that President Obama has been re-elected for a second term, you have an assignment from heaven. On that dark early morning God touched my heart with His desire for the man, Barack Obama. “I have multitudes praying for the President. Will you allow me to use your voice to pray for the man?” I answered, “Yes, Lord.”
My Bible was open to First Timothy 2, and I began, “God, I’m here to offer petitions, prayers, intercessions…could I please interview you?” I was asking to Interview the Majestic, Holy God! Momentarily, I waited; I couldn’t believe that I was this bold…not bold, but desperate!