A Person in Need of Salvation

Prayers That Avail Much

At Prayers That Avail Much, we are here for you. Send us your prayer requests so we can join you in prayer for a person in need of salvation!

prayer for a person in need of salvation

Need prayer for a person in need of salvation?

We take your requests seriously and will pray for you. Submit a prayer request now for a person in need of salvation and let’s pray together.

A person in need of salvation

Prayer for a person in need of salvation

Father, in the name of Jesus, I make a joyful noise to the Lord, and serve You with gladness! I come before You with singing! I know that You are God!

It is written in Your Word that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. You wish all people to be saved and to know Your divine truth. Therefore, Father, I bring ______________ before You this day.

Thank You for calling me to be Your agent of intercession for ______________. By the grace of God I will build up the wall and stand in the gap before You for ________________, that he/she might be spared from eternal destruction.

Father, thank You for salvation. I acknowledge Jesus as the Lamb of God, Who takes away _________________’s sins, and the Holy Spirit, Who convicts and convinces him/her of sin, righteousness and judgment. Your kindness leads _______________ to repent (to change his/her mind and inner man to accept Your will). You are the One Who delivers _______________ and draws him/her to Yourself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and transfers him/her into the Kingdom of the Son of Your love.

Father, I pray that _______________ will hear the truth from someone standing in Your presence. The Good News was hidden from _____________. Satan, the god of this world, made him/her blind, and he/she was unable to see the glorious light of the gospel. Now, I ask You, Lord of the harvest, to thrust the perfect laborer into _____________’s path to share Your gospel in a special way so that he/she will listen and understand it. As Your laborer ministers to him/her, I believe that he/she will come to his/her senses—come out of the snare of the devil who has held him/her captive—and make Jesus the Lord of his/her life.

Having prayed all that I know to pray, I submit to the Spirit, Who also helps me in my present limitations. I do not always know how to pray worthily, but Your Spirit within me is actually praying for me in those agonizing longings which cannot find words. Having done all to stand, I stand on Your Word, and Father, I shall praise You and thank You for ____________’s salvation. I commit this matter into Your hands, and with my faith I see _______________ saved and filled with Your Spirit, with a full and clear knowledge of Your Word.

Amen—so be it!*

* After you have prayed this prayer, thank the Lord for this person’s salvation. Rejoice and praise God for the victory! Confess the above prayer as done! Thank the Lord for sending the laborer. Thank Him that Satan is defeated. Hallelujah!

Scripture References:
Psalm 100:1-3 AMP 2 Timothy 2:26 NIV
Colossians 1:13 AMP John 1:29
Luke 19:10 Romans 8:26 PHILLIPS
2 Corinthians 4:2-4 TLB John 16:8-12 AMP
2 Peter 3:9 Ephesians 6:13
Matthew 9:38 AMP Romans 2:4 AMP
Ezekiel 22:30 AMP

© 2014 Word Ministries, Inc.


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