For a Godly Support System (Through Church or Other God-Appointed Relationships)
Father, thank You for leading us to a church where Your truth, love, mercy, and grace are preached and practiced. Give me the courage to make the first move to reach out to others who are in need. You meet my need for support through my church, through God-appointed relationships, through individuals, and through groups* who are working on problem situations similar to mine.
When no one is available, I remember, Father, that You reached down from on high and drew me out of deep waters. You rescued me from my enemies (satanic forces), who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but You, Lord, were my support. You brought me out into a spacious place; You rescued me because You delighted in me.Lord, You always answer me when I am in distress; the name of the God of Jacob protects me. Thank You for sending me help from the sanctuary and for granting me support from Zion. I submit to the God-appointed leaders in the church where my children and I are planted. We receive wisdom, guidance, and advice from them. Thank You for godly male/female mentors who are interested in supporting my children and me.
You, my Lord, see us. You formed the hearts of all, and You consider everything we do. Our hope is in Your unfailing love, to deliver us from death and keep us alive in famine. We wait in hope for You; You are our Help and our Shield. In You our hearts rejoice, for we trust in Your holy name.
When I said, “My foot is slipping,” Your love, O Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought joy to my soul. So I will not fear, for You are with me; I will not be dismayed, for You are my God. You are strengthening me, helping me, and upholding me with Your righteous right hand as I train up my children in the way they should go. When I was lost You brought me back. I thank You for binding up our injuries and strengthening us. You will shepherd us with justice.
When I was being sifted as wheat, You prayed that my faith would not fail. Now that I have turned back to You, I will strengthen my brothers and sisters, giving those in my support group encouragement to remain true to the faith. We are mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, building each other up, and encouraging each other to be self-controlled. Our love for one another gives us great joy and encouragement, because our hearts are refreshed.
Each member of our support group has made a commitment to encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of us may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first. We will not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but will continue to encourage one another—and all the more so as we see the Day is approaching. With the help of the Holy Spirit, Who is our Strengthener and Standby, and in the name of Jesus, we offer this prayer. Amen.
Scripture References:
2 Samuel 22:17-20 niv Romans 1:12 niv
Psalm 20:1,2 niv Proverbs 11:25 niv
Psalm 33:13-21 niv Romans 15:4-6
Psalm 94:18,19 niv 1 Thessalonians 5:11 niv
Isaiah 41:10 niv Titus 2:6 niv
Proverbs 22:6 Hebrews 3:13,14 niv
Ezekiel 34:16 niv Hebrews 10:25 niv
Luke 22:31,32 niv John 14:16 amp
Acts 14:21,22 niv
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