Increasing Sales
Father, I pray concerning the sales of our company.
I lift up to Your throne of grace everyone who is involved in selling, whether by phone, in person or through the mail. I ask that You continue to bless them and their efforts on behalf of our organization.
Thank You, Father, for Your wisdom and Your favor upon us as, through our sales force, we share the benefits of our goods/services. Thank You that You give our people favor with our customers as they talk to them.
Father, I ask that You help our salespeople to know what the needs of our customers are. Help them never to oversell, but always to adequately, effectively and efficiently present our products/services.
Give us wisdom and insight in the development of our sales promotions and techniques. Help us always to be honest and upfront. Help us always to explain the benefits of our products/services in a clear and accurate way.
I ask You, Father, that You guide our salespeople so that they are able to respond quickly to any objection to the purchase or our products/services. Give them favor when setting up appointments and making sales presentations. Help them to offer the products/services in the proper way.
Thank You, Father, that there is a need for our products/services, and that You continue to open new doors and provide new markets for them. Thank You that we have growth with our existing customers on a regular basis. Thank You that we are increasing sales and adding new markets daily. To You we give all honor and glory for our success.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Scripture References:
Deuteronomy 28:6,8,13 NIV Hebrews 13:18 AMP
Psalm 1:1-3 NIV Psalm 119:165 AMP
Psalm 5:12 Revelation 3:7,8 NIV
Proverbs 8:12 Matthew 7:7,8 NIV
Romans 12:17 NIV
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