Serving Customers
Father, I pray for our customers today. I thank You for them because without them we could not stay in business.
Thank You, Lord, for all those who buy our products or use our services. Help us to be more sensitive to their needs and more responsive to their wants and desires. Help us to serve them better, because it is in serving our customers better that our company grows and prospers.
Help us to be on the lookout for ways to provide better products/services. Show us how we can be more sensitive to the needs of our clients.
Help us, Lord, always to have a hearing ear to what our customers have to say concerning our products/services. Help us to respond quickly and effectively to those areas that they call to our attention.
Father, I pray that our relationship with them, and theirs with us and our products/services, will be a pleasant and memorable one, that it will bring joy and peace to our hearts and theirs. Help us always to remember that in helping to fulfill their needs, desires and wants we are creating a strong, long-lasting relationship between us and them that will profit both of us and be a blessing to many others.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Scripture References:
Galatians 5:13 Proverbs 8:12
Psalm 115:14 Proverbs 2:2
Philippians 2:7 Romans 15:13
© 2014 Word Ministries, Inc.