The Word and His Voice

God does speak to His people today. Some do not hear Him; others misunderstand Him. It’s easy sometimes to confuse His voice with our “desires.” Learning to recognize the Voice of the Father is a process. In the early days of walking and talking with Him I made many mistakes. Having discovered that the Father loved me unconditionally, I stopped beating myself up, and asked the Holy Spirit to teach me and help me learn from my mistakes. There was the day when I thought I might have heard His voice urging me to reach out to a neighbor. There were many conversations going on in my head: might this be the voice of God – or – Satan’s desire to hinder me from my morning tasks – or – was it simply my idea that would not go away. Finally, I decided to call my neighbor and ask her if she needed a bowl of potato salad. (That did not sound very spiritual to me.) She sighed and told me that she had just finished preparing that particular dish for visitors who were coming for lunch. I had missed an opportunity to reach out with the love of God to help my neighbor who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Her hands were crippled. This was a painful experience! Believe me when I tell you that I shed tears of repentance, and from that day to this I seek to obey the Voice of Love. I encourage you to seek the face of Father-God through reading, studying, praying and meditating on His Word, a sure Voice to us. The Holy Spirit will teach you the ways of God, which He has revealed in His Word. God’s Voice and His Word will always agree. Today, I know that loving my neighbor is to be done in word and deed! Jesus, God in the flesh, went about doing good. I have learned that this walk with Him is not about me! He has blessed me to be a blessing to others! God speaks to His children and He never contradicts Himself!!

Thank you Father, for teaching and training me to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd. I’ll not follow the voice of a stranger. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God: the Word was God, and You are my Father!  Thank You for confirming Your Voice through You Word; you and your Word are one. Thank you for Truth that exposes the false and counterfeit. I delight in your Word, which is eternal. Your Word is Light dispelling the darkness. Your Word is Life swallowing up death. Hallelujah! I praise you in the name of Jesus. I ask You to work energize and create in me a willing heart that I might obey the demands of Love will demonstrate Your love for them. Amen. (This is a prayer of meditation, and I encourage you to consider it and pray it aloud.)

Scripture Reading
John 1; John 10