Spiritually Minded

It is possible to renew the mind to the Word of God. You can replace carnal thoughts of worry, fear, self-pity, and other self-defeating thoughts with peace. You can keep your mind filled with self-doubt, self-rejection and become self-absorbed — or you can become spiritually minded and change your self-image replacing negative thoughts with God’s thoughts toward you. Choose to be God-inside-minded.

Heavenly Father, I bind my mind to the mind of Christ, my will to the will of God and my emotions to the control of the Holy Spirit. I choose to walk according to the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus, setting my mind on the things of the Spirit. To be spiritually minded is life and peace. I count myself dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Scripture Reading
Romans 8:1-8; Romans 6:11