A Pure Heart
What is in your heart will be revealed during times of stress, trial or tribulation. Some Christians do not give heed to what they are watching on television or the music they hear or the material they are reading, and they fill their minds with ungodly thinking. Some major on negative, pessimistic thinking, and they do not see a silver lining anywhere. To be pure in heart you must saturate your mind with the Word of God through reading, meditation and prayer. Prayers That Avail Much are books of Scriptural prayers that are written to help you renew your mind to God’s Word. Develop the mind of Christ by choosing to concentrate on the magnitude of God and His promises to you. You can change your attitude from negative to positive and become a world changer!
Father, it is you who creates a pure heart and a steadfast spirit within me. Lord Jesus, thank You for cleansing me. You have blotted out and canceled my transgressions, and you will remember them no longer. You do not keep a record of my sin because I have truly repented and turned from my wicked ways. I am cleansed and pruned by the living word which you have given me. I will not forget all your benefits but affectionately and gratefully bless your name. You heal all my diseases and forgive all my iniquities. Thank you. Amen