Employment isn’t just about earning a salary. First of all, you are a representative of God in the workplace. One man who was out of work wanted our ministry to pray that he would not have to start his new business at the bottom, but would have only top-money-making accounts. You have to be willing to work at the small things and earn the respect, favor, and trust of employers and/or clients. Let your eye be single, and work with all your heart as you would for Christ [Himself]. Doors of opportunity will open, and promotion will come as you keep the proper attitude of service. Be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides], and do your job to the best of your ability.


Father, I come before You asking You to send forth Your ministering spirits to open doors of employment for me. I am strong and will not give up, for my work will be rewarded. As a son/daughter of God, I purpose to walk uprightly, commanding the respect of the outside world, being self-supporting, dependent on nobody, and having need of nothing for You, Father, supply to the fullest my every need. Thank You for opening doors of employment in the name of Jesus. Amen

Scripture Reading
Chronicles 15:7 (NIV)