Pray without Ceasing
Prayer is not always about praying aloud; God knows our thoughts from afar and He looks on the heart. Prayer is more than words; it is an attitude, which will control how you respond to prayer. Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines attitude as a mental position with regard to a fact or state. You may not believe that God hears and answers prayer, and if so, you probably will not develop an attitude of prayer. However, if you will believe, you can maintain an attitude of prayer at all times, in every season, on every occasion. There are times when you may need to pray aloud, and I encourage you to pray powerful Scriptural prayers aloud often. There may be times when your inner self is crying out, even groaning within. The Holy Spirit is always present to help you pray when you don’t know how, or what to pray. It is said that the preacher, C. H. Spurgeon once said: Since we are to pray without ceasing, it is clear that audible language is not essential to prayer. Silence is as fit a garment for devotion as any that language can fashion.
Heavenly Father, may my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who helps me maintain an attitude of prayer, and even helps me when I don’t know how or what to pray. Thank you for hearing me whether I’m praying aloud or reaching out to you in silence. Jesus, you are my example in prayer, and whatever I ask for in prayer, I believe that it is granted me, and I will receive it. In the name of Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will pray without ceasing. Amen
Scripture Reading
Psalm 141:2 (NIV)
Mark 11:24 (AMP)
1 Thessalonians 5:17