God Answers Prayer
God’s ears are open to the cries of the righteous. When you call upon him, he will answer. Jesus said if you ask it shall be given unto you, if you seek, you shall find and if you knock the door shall be open. It was in the mid-1940s on a very cold winter’s day. My mother did not have a warm coat, but her concern was for her four children who needed clothes for school. She turned her concerns into a prayer of petition, and made her wants known to God. God answered swiftly. That very morning a young business woman came to the house bringing an envelope with her. Handing it to my mother she said God told me to give you this money, but you must promise that you will purchase a warm coat for yourself, and the children will have what they need. God heard my mother’s prayer and he will hear you when you call upon him. He does exceedingly abundant beyond what you ask or dream.
Dear Heavenly Father, I come into your presence with thanksgiving. It is by fearful and glorious things [that terrify the wicked but make me sing praises] that you answer my prayers in righteousness (rightness and justice). You are the God of my salvation. You are my confidence and hope. I know that in the morning you hear my voice, O Lord; in the morning I prepare [a prayer, a sacrifice] for you and watch and wait [for you to speak to my heart]. Thank you for answering me from your holy heaven with the saving strength of your right hand. For in you, O Lord, do I hope; you will answer, O Lord my God. I love you with all that is within me, and I praise your holy name.