Free of Anxiety and Without a Care
From Prayers That Avail Much for Anxiety and Depression
At Prayers That Avail Much, your concerns are our concerns. Share your prayer requests with us and together, we can pray for you to be Free of Anxiety and Without a Care.
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Free of Anxiety and Without a Care
Daily Prayer “Free of Anxiety and Without a Care”
You are here for such a time as this! You are God’s child, created and fashioned by Him, and He has an assignment for you! You are free to choose life or death, blessing or cursing! Satan came along with another plan for your life, BUT GOD! The Prayer Therapy in this book will set you free from anxiety, shame, and self-doubt! The choice is yours!
Too many Christians camp out beside the pool of Bethsaida. They want to be “fixed,” but they are waiting for someone else to change and make them feel comfortable. My friend, it’s time to stand up and walk into the water of deliverance and healing! Whether you believe it or not, begin to say to yourself: If it is to be, it is up to me. Nothing determines your choices except you!
There was a time that I didn’t know there were choices that only I could make, even though it’s obvious from the Scriptures that each of us are given the option to choose life or choose death. Over the years, I have learned that God created us to be pro-active under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, renew our minds, know God, and become more like Jesus. He created us as three-dimensional beings: spirit, soul, and body. As we mature, we realize all three are connected.
Yet, too often Christians are passive about their own deliverance. They believe if they pray all the right prayers, follow all the right scriptural steps, and say all the correct words, then God will do the rest. But you also have an important role in overcoming depression and anxiety! Second Peter 1:5 says, “…You must do your utmost from your side…” (PHILLIPS).
When a feeling of anxiety comes, find a quiet place and ask the Holy Spirit to locate the source. Look at feelings of shame, guilt, and anxiety as opportunities to learn and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.”
Let today be the day you choose to apply prayer therapy to your life!
In our humanness we bury shameful, painful memories. And yet, you may have forgotten a past that has not forgotten you. Unfortunately, we try to bury shame, self-condemnation, self-rejection, and anything painful. But in those moments, when we least expect it, one of those unacknowledged negative mindsets come roaring back.
God has created you to heal emotionally and grow spiritually. Maturing spiritually is a life-long process! You have the power and ability to apply prayer therapy, which prepares you to act. You will not walk away from these scriptural prayers and forget who you are in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit will imprint the Word on the tablets of your heart and mind.
Worry is probably the major cause of sickness. I will share with you my true-life experiences of emotional healing and spiritual growth. I let go of holding others in judgment and forgave them. The Holy Spirit taught me to cast all my burdens on the Lord during a crucial time in my life. The Holy Spirit taught me how to take off my cares and lay them on the Lord. I approached God boldly in prayer and read His Word aloud to myself until worry subsided. Today I teach classes on overcoming worry, but I find that some Christians are determined to worry and have their anxiety attacks.
The choice is yours. You can lug around the worries and cares, or you can talk to the Lord about any situation—a financial matter, a marriage relationship, the death of a loved one, or children gone astray. Problems come to all, but you must choose to cast the care of any circumstance causing you to worry over on the Lord because He cares for you.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your goodness and for welcoming me into Your presence. In the name of Jesus, I cast the whole of my care—all anxieties, worries, and concerns—upon You. I know that You love me and care for me, and those for whom I am praying. Today, I make all my requests known to You with thanksgiving. I know You hear me, and I believe Your best answers are on the way from the moment I ask.
Father, I choose to live out the message I have heard. I set my gaze deeply into the perfecting law of liberty, and I am fascinated by and respond to the truth I hear. I am strengthened by it, experiencing Your blessing in all that I do. Because I love you, my Lord and God, I choose to guard my words. I submit to You and pray to make a difference in the lives of others, and I refuse to be corrupted by the world’s values. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Scripture References
Psalm 136:1 * Philippians 4:6 * 1 Peter 5:7 * James 1:23-27 TPT
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