New Thinking
Since the Garden of Eden man’s words have been at war with God’s word. The spiritual battle that every believer encounters takes place in the mind. Where is your focus? Jesus said, “In the world you will have troubles, but be of good cheer!” With thanksgiving make all your petitions known to him. The God of peace will guard your mind and heart through Christ Jesus! He will keep you in perfect peace if your mind is focused on him!
Thoughts are energy; they are matter, which cannot be destroyed. But God! He has given you the spiritual tools to alter your thoughts…to take them captive and bring them into subjection to his word. His word is truth…his word makes you free to choose thoughts of life or death; thoughts of thanksgiving or resentment.
Your thoughts set the tone for your day whether at home or at the office. Where is your focus? Are your first thoughts about the goodness of God –or- about the trouble that has come your way?
You can re-focus. You can change the way you think about life, about your job, about your problems, about God and yourself even though your circumstances have not changed. Pray aloud so you can hear the words you are praying regardless of your feelings. Day by day, your feelings will submit to your thoughts, and you will experience transformation. As a man thinks in his heart so is he (Proverbs 23:7)
Father, in the name of Jesus, I come boldly before the Throne of Grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in my time of need. I use the spiritual tools you have given me to pull down every imagination that exalts itself above your word, which is Truth. I ask you to forgive me for my grumbling and complaining; please forgive me for the evil thoughts of my heart. Dread has been my companion, and I hate having to work. LORD, I would rather be at home to take care of my child/children. I ask you to expose the origin of my hurt and bring restoration to soul. I am being transformed by the renewing of my mind. Today I make the choice to be thankful and excited about the thoughts and plans you have for me…I receive and declare that I am living in peace and thank you for giving me hope in the final outcome of this day in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Scripture References: Hebrews 4:16; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Acts 8:22; Psalm 23:1-3; Jeremiah 23:11