A New Pathway
Another milestone is drawing near. I have been reflecting on how God directed my steps that led me to a new pathway. It began in 1949. A song, “Far Away Places,” was introduced that year and became the theme song of a 15 year old girl. At the time I was totally unaware that God would use the words of this song to lead me in the way that He had prepared for me before the foundation of the world. He used the words of this song to create a desire in my heart for “far-away places with strange sounding names.” Over time the sounds faded, but the melody and words were never forgotten. A year later, I believed that God was calling me to the mission field, and I bargained with Him. If He would allow me to marry and have children then I would go. (I forgot about my vow, but He didn’t.) Twenty years later, stretched out on the carpet in our sunlit bedroom I was enjoying a cherished moment of solitude while the baby was asleep. Suddenly, walls disappeared. A long line of people marched in formation lined up against the horizon with no end in sight. Red, yellow, black, brown and white people, clothed in native dress began calling, calling me. God knew the plans He had laid out. Step by step He continues to lead me in His paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. I have traveled to a few of those far-away places, but my focus is writing Scriptural prayers for you and the Global Company of Intercessors to pray effectively for every tribe and nation. You can go on this prayer journey with us by signing up at www.prayers.org
My God, You are mighty and it is amazing what You planned for me before the foundation of the world! You loved me when I was dead in trespasses and sins. I was following the course of this world; following the prince of the power of the air…I was by nature a child of wrath like the rest of mankind. But God, You are rich in mercy and because of Your great love You made me alive together with Christ—by grace I have been saved through faith. Now that I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand that I should walk in them. I submit to You…the all-seeing One. Thank You for giving me a heart to pray for every tribe and nation. You so loved the world that You gave Your only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have everlasting life. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus my Lord.