A New Commandment

Driving through large cities and small town USA you find churches; rural churches tucked away in grassy pastures, uptown churches on street corners. You don’t have to drive far to find a church building, yet it still seems we have not learned to live by the new commandment that Jesus gave us…to love one another. There is life in the prayer closet that prepares us to live outside the prayer closet, to love others as Jesus loves. He prayed that we would be a people united…that we would be one even as He and the Father are one. Where there is harmony and unity there is answered prayer. We have been born for such a time as this. This is the time for followers of Jesus to come together praying in agreement with the Word of God. How do we learn to walk in love with one another? We begin by praying for all saints everywhere…offering thanksgiving to the Father for people we have never met and for those who are near…in our families and our churches, and praying for our enemies. As we pray for one another with clean hands and pure hearts our love will grow more and more and we will have knowledge and understanding. We will see the difference between what is important and what is not, and have a desire to choose what is important.

“Father-God, thank You for loving me. You are Love, and I remember that I am to love others as I love myself. I confess that if You can love me, I can love myself. If You love me You can love and do love all people groups. I have become a partaker of Your nature, and it is because of Your love in my heart that I can overcome prejudice and bad feelings toward others. Thank You for giving me the faith that brought me into the blessings of Your grace that I now enjoy. I am happy because of the hope I have of sharing Your glory, and I am also happy with the troubles because I know that these troubles make me more patient. This gives me hope that never disappoints me because You have poured out Your love to fill my heart through the Holy Spirit. When we pray for one another, we may be healed and restored to a spiritual tone of mind and heart. Faith works by love, and without faith it is impossible to please You. Create in me a pure heart filled with love from above, in the name of Jesus. Amen

Scripture References: Philippians 1; John 13:35; 2 Peter 1:3-4; James 5:16 AMP