A New Prayer Adventure
Are you satisfied with your prayer life? Do you understand the motivation behind your prayers? The level of your prayer life will always correspond to the level of your spiritual maturity. As you grow spiritually, your prayer life develops a different tone. Do you know how to come to the Father as a little child? In the beginning my prayers were selfish, soulish and often emotional. My approach to prayer was born out of desperation, and I told God ALL about the situation that needed to change. Many times I told Him how to fix my problem. It did not occur to me that I was the one that needed to be fixed. Finally, my situation grew to such proportions that I needed someone who could teach me to pray. There is an art to prayer and God has given His children the ability to understand the dynamics of prayer. Admittedly, prayer is an inexhaustible subject which transforms us and changes our motivations. Effective prayer is not motivated by emotions but by the Spirit of God. It is the Father who is glorified when our prayers are answered. I am ready; are you ready to begin a new spiritual adventure in prayer? Let us pray for God’s Kingdom to come and His will be done on earth even as it is in heaven.
Father-God, in the name of Jesus I abide in You — and Your words remain in me and continue to live in my heart. Therefore, I ask whatever I will, and it shall be done for me. When I produce much fruit it brings great glory to You Father, in the name of Jesus, I commit to a new adventure in prayer and I will not give up. Jesus, You understand my weaknesses. So in Your name I come boldly to the throne of God to receive mercy and find grace to help when I need it. There are times I do not know what I ought to pray for, especially when I’m praying for others. Holy Spirit, I submit to Your leadership and thank You for interceding for me with groans that words cannot express. Search my heart and reveal the mind of the spirit to me because You intercede in accordance with God’s will. Therefore, I am assured and know that all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for my good and the good of others, because I love God and am called according to Your design and purpose. I resist the temptation to be anxious about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition [definite requests] with thanksgiving I continue to make my wants known to You. Whatever I ask for in prayer, I believe that it is granted to me, and I will receive it. The effectual prayers of the righteous avail much, and I come with a heart of thanksgiving for You were made sin so that I could be made righteous. in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! Amen.
John 15:7-8, 1 Corinthians 3:9 NIV Mark 11:24 AMP; Luke 18:1 NIV 2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT, Romans 8:26,27 NIV James 5:16 AMP; Romans 8:28 AMP; Philippians 4:6 AMP