Love Corrects and Disciplines

This moment is etched vividly in my mind. It was early morning when I sat down on the sofa for my meeting with the Lord. After greeting the Father and acknowledging the presence of Jesus, I asked the Holy Spirit, my Teacher, to take the things of Jesus and teach them to me. Opening my Bible to Matthew 18, I eagerly began reading. Oh my, I was so joyful, so delighted to be in the presence of my Lord and Master when verse 10 stood up in huge letters! *Beware that you do not despise or feel scornful toward or one of these little ones…. My defenses went into action! I prayed. “God, you know that I’m Your child, and I would never despise one of Your little ones. How could I ever feel scornful toward anyone?” Then the Holy Spirit reminded me how I had once again dissected our pastor’s sermon, explaining where he was wrong. I could hear my husband’s voice: “This man has been studying the Bible for at least twenty years, and you began studying only two or three years ago. How is it that you have learned more in two years than he has in twenty?” Indignantly, I explained to my husband in a very firm voice that I had been studying longer than he knew anything about, and I had received “revelation knowledge.” Setting that aside, I attempted to read on, but verse 10 would not let me go. Finally, with tears of repentance I acknowledged my sin—despising and feeling scornful of one of my Father’ children. It was almost more than I could bear. An unresolved issue had motivated me, and I asked the Holy Spirit to please locate the origin of the destructive memories that opened the door for my incorrect perception and attitude. It was clear: I had never resolved my issues with authority figures. At last my issue was clarified and unraveled. God gave me the grace to be honest with myself and with Him; one layer of this issue was about to be resolved.

Father-God, I thank You for correcting me…You loved me too much to allow me to continue in my sinful pride and rebellion toward authority figures. Forgive me for allowing knowledge to make me proud of myself when all the time You desired that I learn to love as You have loved me. God, I know that “You looked beyond my fault,” and saw the unacknowledged pain and anger toward those who had abused me. Thank You for healing me according to Your will and filling me with peace and love and giving me the grace to accept Your forgiveness and the power to forgive myself. I choose life, I choose to be humble and teachable, and I am, in the name of Jesus. Father of spirits, I submit to You that I may live. You corrected and chastened me for my profit that I may be a partaker of Your holiness! Thank You that afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness as I submit to Your training in the name of Jesus, my Lord!
Scripture References: *Matthew 18:10 (AMP); Hebrews 12:7-11; 1 Corinthians 8:1; 1 John 1:9;