Praying in Contemporary Times – Part 1

Praying in Contemporary Times – Part 1 My heart sang, “America, America, God shed his grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.” Only a few short weeks earlier another song hounded me day and night! The words and melody would...

Lives Turned Upside Down

Lives Turned Upside Down A hint of fall was in the air on that Sunday morning, October 7, 2012, as I walked from our guest cottage to the big house. Birds sang and squirrels scampered among the oak trees while I paused to sip the hot coffee laced with cream. Smiling I...

Why Build a Prayer Garden?

Why Build a Prayer Garden? Callie wrote to us and shared this amazing story with us: I was in a car accident in 2008 in Good Hope, GA. I was not expected to survive the night and even if I did survive, my prognosis was very bad. I had sustained a severe traumatic...

Ministry Update – September 2, 2010

Ministry Update – September 2, 2010 Hello, my name is David Copeland. I am the Vice President of Word Ministries, home of the Prayers That Avail Much book series. Today I would like to give you an update on what we are doing here at the ministry. It is very...