Pray with Jim Tippin – conference call information

We are the church praying for the church!

Jim Tippin and the entire team are inviting you to our Monday night video conference call. Word Ministries Global Company of Intercessors has embarked on a Prayer Journey that is taking us around the world this year on the wings of prayer! Our fuel is the power of the Holy Spirit! People across the United States and from other nations are praying with us! There is power in united prayer! Use the information below to join the video call.

How To Join Our Monday Night Prayer Conference Call:


When: The last Tuesday of every month at 2PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Use this link to join the call:
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 315-813-7262‬ PIN: ‪683 709 863‬#
More phone numbers:

Stay Connected With Us On Social Media

If you are on Facebook we encourage you to like our page: Prayers That Avail Much | Facebook. Once you have liked our page and enabled notifications you can ask to join our Intercessors group. You can also join us on our YouTube channel which is: Prayers That Avail Much – YouTube. We also have a Pinterest and TikTok account: PrayersThatAvailMuch. You can use the links below to connect with us on social media! We look forward to connecting with you!