Analyzing a Report

Lord, I come to You in prayer before I begin to analyze this report before me. I recognize that this is information I need in order to function properly and to fulfill my responsibilities.
I ask You, Father, to help me to analyze this report accurately and to draw from it what I need to make wise decisions.
Show me, Lord, not only those things that are obvious, but also those that are not readily apparent to the natural human eye. Increase my understanding. If there is more information needed, help me to determine what it is and how to go about getting it.
Help me to be able to assimilate vital data and facts and to reduce them to their bare essentials. Give me discernment to notice any trends, either positive or negative, that are developing within my department and/or company. Help me to take the information and knowledge I gain and use it to better carry out my duties.
Help me to take what You are showing me and apply it to my daily activities so that I may enhance my overall job performance and improve the success rate of my department and this organization.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Scripture References:
Matthew 7:7,8 NIV Proverbs 2:11 NIV
Ephesians 1:17 Daniel 11:32 AMP
Ephesians 3:20 AMP Joshua 1:8 NIV
Proverbs 4:11 AMP Matthew 6:33

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