Dismissing an Employee
Father, I am faced with the unpleasant task of dismissing ____________________.
Lord, I pray concerning the firing of this individual. I believe in my heart that it is the only option left. We have brought the problem area(s) to the attention of the individual. We have done our best to correct the unsatisfactory situation, yet this person has failed to respond in such a way that we feel is adequate behavioral change. Therefore, it seems that termination is the only alternative.
Lord, if there is anything we have overlooked that would salvage this relationship, please speak to my heart and reveal it to me. If not, then I ask Your help in carrying out my duty, as unpleasant and distasteful as it is for all concerned.
I recognize, Lord, that one of the most difficult parts of my job is to let someone go. I also recognize that it is part of my responsibility and that if I fail to fulfill it, it could be damaging to the company, the department and those who work with this individual—even to the person himself/herself.
Therefore, as a good steward of that which You have entrusted to me, and in keeping with the wise counsel which I have received, I believe that I have made this decision in the best interests of the company and of all concerned, including __________________.
Give me wisdom that I may be straightforward, speaking the truth in love. Thank You that the attributes of gentleness and mercy will enable me to speak words of hope and consolation.
In the name of Jesus, help ____________ to deal with his/her feelings of rejection and to recognize that You will make everything—even discontinuation of employment in this company—accommodate itself to Your purpose and plan for his/her life. His/her talents and abilities are valuable, and there is a God-given place where he/she can develop those gifts in fertile ground, becoming more skilled with business adapted to his/her needs and the company’s needs.
In our interview, help me to explain clearly and identify accurately the reasons involved in this decision and to make this difficult transaction less burdensome for all of us. Help me to be sensitive to his/her needs and to the awkwardness and precariousness of the situation. Yet, Father, help me to do my job effectively and efficiently as I should.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Scripture References:
Psalm 43:3 Galatians 5:22-25
Revelation 3:19 NIV Lamentations 3:22,23 NIV
Ephesians 4:15 Hebrews 12:5,6 NIV
2 Timothy 2:24 AMP
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