The Right Path
For many years I walked darkened pathways that were rocky. Here and there was a glimmer of light, and there appeared roads that emanated radiant beams of light. Every time I tried to walk toward the light I would run into obstacles that turned into dead ends. How could I find the path of life? On a glorious memorable day, the Light broke through and the Pathway of Life lay before me. I could see and I could hear the Voice of my Father: This is the way. Walk ye in it! I read the Bible day and night. His word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). Read His Word, heed His Word; it is life to all who find it, and health to all your flesh!
Father, show me the path You want me to take and point out the right road on which I should walk. Today I deny myself and take up my cross and follow You wherever You may lead. Lead me beside the quiet waters; restore my soul. You are guiding me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. You are my God and I will praise You in the name of Jesus. Amen.