No More ‘Diet of Tears’
From Prayers That Avail Much for Anxiety and Depression
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“No More ‘Diet of Tears’”
Daily Prayer “No More ‘Diet of Tears’”
Dear Father, right now I’m overwhelmed by my sorrow and pain. I can’t stop feasting on my tears. I’ve been on a diet of tears—tears for breakfast, tears for supper. But, Father, despite all my emotions, I will believe and praise You who saves me and is my life!
You are a shelter for those who know misery. You are my Refuge and my High Tower. You are my Stronghold in times of trouble. I lean on You and confidently put my trust in You. I praise You, God.
Lord, You lift me up when I am bowed down. I choose to be strong and take courage in You. I am built solid and grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! Far from terror—it won’t even come close!
My mind is stayed on You! I stop allowing myself to be agitated and disturbed and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled. I give the devil no room to work. People with their minds set on You, You keep completely whole, steady on their feet, because they keep at it and don’t quit. I depend on You and keep at it because in You I have a sure thing. Perfect, absolute peace surrounds my imaginations because I am consumed with You and confidently trust in You.
In the name of Jesus, I loose my mind from wrong thought patterns. I tear down strongholds that have protected bad perceptions and critical opinions about myself. I submit to You, Father, and resist fear, discouragement, self-pity, and depression. I will not give place to the devil by harboring resentment and holding onto anger. I surround myself with songs and shouts of deliverance from depression, and I will continue to be an overcomer by the word of my testimony and the blood of the Lamb.
You strengthen those who are discouraged and energize those who feel defeated.
You say to the anxious and fearful, “Be strong and never afraid. Look, here comes your God! He is breaking through to give you victory!” (Isa. 35:3-4 TPT).
Father, I thank You that I have been given a spirit of mighty power, love, self-control, and a calm and well-balanced mind. I have the mind of Christ and hold the thoughts, feelings, and purposes of Your heart. I have a fresh mental and spiritual attitude, for I am constantly renewed in the spirit of my mind with Your Word, Father.
Therefore, I brace up and reinvigorate and cut through and make firm and straight paths for my feet—safe and upright and happy paths that go in the right direction. I arise from depression. In Jesus’ name, I rise to new life. I shine, and I am radiant with the glory of the Lord. I refuse to be dejected and sad, for the joy of the Lord is my strength! Hallelujah! Amen.
Scripture References
Psalm 9:9-10 VOICE, AMPC * Ephesians 4:27 VOICE * Psalm 42:3, 5, 11 MSG, VOICE * Psalm 146:8 * 2 Timothy 1:7 TPT, AMPC * Isaiah 35:3-4 TPT * Isaiah 54:14 MSG, TPT * Ephesians 4:23-24 AMPC * Hebrews 12:12-13 AMPC * Jeremiah 29:11-13 AMPC Isaiah 60:1 AMPC * Isaiah 26:3 MSG, TPT * John 14:27 AMPC * Nehemiah 8:10 NLT
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