Love That Remains

It was early morning before the world was awake that I was seated in the prayer corner in my office…meditating on the goodness of my Father-God. While seated there watching the daybreak push away the darkness, my meandering thoughts carried me back to a day of heartbreak. I allowed myself to be swept back to that time and saw myself as I lay on the floor. I allowed the pain of that moment to overwhelm me and again felt the yearning for a place of quiet rest. Standing outside the memory I watched “me” sink into a puddle of tears. Just as that day many years ago I again felt protective arms scoop me up and I was sitting in a lap of pure comfort leaning my entire being into the warm breast of my Daddy…I don’t know how I knew it was Him…I just knew. I’ll never forget thinking that if I didn’t open my eyes I could stay there forever. From that time to this I know that I am welcome to run to my Heavenly Daddy…He is Love…He is Comfort…He is Peace…He is Joy! (If He can love me, the “me” that I hated, He can love anyone…red and yellow…back and white…we are precious in His sight!)

Father, thank You for loving me unconditionally. You loved me when I wanted nothing to do with You…when I was Your enemy. I didn’t understand the meaning of those songs that I sang in church, but now my heart sings: “The Love of God, how rich, how pure…it goes beyond the highest star….” Father, bring this revelation, this awareness of Your love to my loved ones who feel unloved. You are Love and You have blessings heaped upon blessings waiting for them. What a great manner of love You have bestowed upon us that You would call us Your children. I love you, Lord, because You first loved me, in the most Holy Name of Jesus!
Scripture References: Romans 5:8; 1 John 4:8; John 1:12, 14; 1 John 3:1; 1 John 4:8