The Love of the Father-God
The Bible Study group greeted each other before we settled down for our lesson on “God the Father.” In John 1:12 we read, “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God….” The Creator of the universe wanted a family, and He chose us before the foundation of the world to be His very own. Most of the ladies were encouraged as we discussed the Scriptures. I can still see one young woman who was sitting on the end of the sofa. She seemed to be in great distress, and her eyes filled with tears. Although we had not completed the day’s study, I asked her if she needed prayer. Taking a long breath, she said, “I will never call God…Father. That word holds too much agony for me. I can call Him Creator, Savior, Lord, and Master, but I cannot call Him Father.” Then she shared her intense pain of abuse at the hands of her earthly father before he walked away from the family. After years of silence, he had contacted her and asked to meet with her. We prayed with her, asking the Holy Spirit to show her the pathway of forgiveness and let her know whether or not to meet with the man who had tormented her. It wasn’t easy, but she made the decision to meet with him, and in the meeting she forgave him. She said, “When I made the decision to forgive my dad, something changed in me…I was set free, and now I can whisper Father-God. I am free and my feelings for my dad are changing day by day. I can finally pray for his eternal salvation.”
In the name of Jesus, I come before the Throne of God and cry out, “Abba Father.” My desire is to live according to the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. This Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing me from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of abuse. Since I am now free, it is my desire to forget those things that lie behind and strain forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which You in Christ Jesus are calling me upward. The past will no longer control my thinking patterns or my behavior. Praise be to You! I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Old things have passed away; and, behold, all things have become new. I declare and decree that henceforth I will walk in newness of life. Forgive me, Father, for self-hatred and self-condemnation. I am Your child. You sent Jesus that I might have life and have it more abundantly. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that makes me whole. Father, because You have forgiven me I choose to forgive those who have abused me in the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
Scripture References: Romans 8:15; Philippians 3:13; 2 Corinthians 5:18; Romans 6:4; John 10:10